
Within our continuous improvement efforts, GoSupply is constantly developing new solutions and capabilities to provide our clients with the best-in-class combination of Technology and Service. We deploy our resources in line with our clients’ needs, alongside with market trends, in order to offer our clients a unique value proposition in Supply Chain risk management.

  • 01
    11 Oct 2023
    GoSupply Webinar

    The importance of Action Plans

    In this webinar, GoSupply takes attendees through the importance of Action Plans to build sustainable suppliers, comply with existing and upcoming legislation (Supply Chain Act or EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence), and foster collaborative models with suppliers.

    How often do companies talk to suppliers to make them sustainable?

    The existing Supply Chain Act in Germany, and the upcoming EU CSDD, which is meant to affect over 50.000 companies in Europe, transfer to organizations the responsibility over the sustainability of their value chains. To address this challenge, companies must find the right tool, a tool that will foster and manage collaborative relationships with suppliers.

  • 02
    06 Jun 2022
    GoSupply Features

    Supply Chain Mapping

    Supply Chain Mapping real steps: we all know that the market is in distress, that stretched global supply chains combined with Russian invasion of Ukraine, the covid crisis in Shanghai and other events are leading to raw materials and component disruptions. Therefore, and now more than ever, we need resilient and sustainable sourcing networks.

    So what can we do about it?

    Taking into account that for most industries, 2/3 of disruptions are happening at tier 1 and 2 levels and knowing that getting down to tier 3 and beyond becomes increasingly difficult, focusing on tier 1 and 2 levels seems to be the right answer.

  • 03
    18 Nov 2021
    Case Study

    Fresenius Medical Care

    Fresenius Medical Care Spain & Fresenius Medical Care Portugal wanted to implement a system for homologation and classification of suppliers that would go beyond the Procurement function and would be adopted by all internal stakeholders involved in the homologation process.

    ¿How is it done?

    Within GoSupply modular platform, FMC Spain/Portugal chose to incorporate a hybrid, semi-automated supplier homologation system, together with a real-time risk monitoring functionality that included 12 risk categories and over 200 data points to generate real-time risk alerts, all of them displayed in a global dashboard configured to respond to FMC needs

  • 04
    18 Nov 2021
    White Paper

    Real Time News & AI

    The AI module developed in partnership with Technology companies complements the information GoSupply is currently collecting from the supplier channel, to create a compelling proposition that will provide a 360° view on suppliers’ risks combining multiple channels of information.

    ¿How is it done?

    GoSupply new AI module analyses news on tenths of thousands of suppliers coming from thousands of sources related to Sustainability, Compliance, Financial, Cybersecurity, Natural Disasters and Operational risks.

    The new module includes the following functionalities (among others):

    • Analyse and categorize suppliers’ news at scale and in real time
    • Tag relevant news related to sustainability, compliance, financial and other risks
    • Run “sentiment analysis” on relevant news, to identify and highlight “negative news”
    • For those negative news affecting critical areas, as per defined by each GoSupply client, generate risk alerts that will appear in the risk catalogue of GoSupply platform
    • All the above is executed in real time. Besides, the new module leaves to our clients the capability to decide what to do with those alerts: take action, discard them, or ignore them, keeping them as informative inputs.

  • 05
    21 Oct 2021
    Case Study


    Iberdrola is conducting a leading global supply chain risk assessment program, including GoSupply as a key element of the system.

    ¿How is it done?

    Iberdrola implemented an ambitious system in order to assess in a unique and consistent way all risks associated to their 20.000+ suppliers. With GoSupply, Iberdrola is able to get a comprehensive view, both at supplier and aggregated levels, of any risks related to Sustainability, Financial and Health & Safety. The Iberdrola supplier program is already in its second year of implementation. During this time, significant benefits across multiple areas have already been achieved, with some more on their way.